
Children's Ministry (3-11)

Sunday School currently takes place once a month in the Summer as ‘Messy Church’ and we aim to have it in place bi-weekly for September. We also encourage you to bring your younger children to church services. The data tells us that children who come to whole services tend to come back as adults. Don’t worry about them being noisy or bored! We will provide a package for them to use during the service with colouring, word puzzles etc based on the Sunday readings. The sound of children is welcomed and even a bit of boredom is a good life-skill 🙂 

Youth Ministry (12-18)

We have a lively youth group at Grace who have met weekly online during the pandemic and now are back in person, often helping us run the techie side of our service (for which they get Community Hours!). Whether you love music, art, lively discussions, outings or pizza, come and join us. For more details, email


Under the leadership of Music Director Michael Lerner, Grace has a choir that meets on Thursday evenings from September to June, and leads worship on Sunday mornings. 

For more details contact:

Bible Studies

Led by either the clergy or lay members, Grace offers weekly Bible Study on Wednesdays at 2:00pm and 7:00pm. We have covered everything from Genesis to Revelation, the Gospels, the Sermon on the Mount, Wisdom Literature, and more.

In the Fall we will be starting up a bible study and discussion using Season 2 of The Chosen, which dramatizes wonderfully the Gospels. You can it watch on Netflix or

Zoom link for bible study

New to the faith? Want to explore Christianity? Contact us and we will run a course!


Parkway Studio is an emerging recording studio situated in a vibrant and growing community. The purpose is to provide a safe and inclusive space for artists from all walks of life.

The studio is here for all your production needs.

From Grace Markham. For All.

Learn More:

Community Garden

On our property between the car park and Franklin PS is a community garden that is used by CICS (Canadian Immigration and Community Services) youth groups, Franklin St PS Eco Club, senior citizens from Water St, and Grace Church gardeners. We do not have extra spaces for individuals at present but as space becomes available we will people know.

Walking Group

The walking group meets at 8:30am Mondays at T & T Bakery to walk the trails – come rain or shine. Join us for fresh air, exercise and chat!