Women of Grace Book Club
Grace Church 19 Parkway Avenue, Markhaam, Ontario, CanadaBook: "Tom Lake" by Ann Patchett Meet in the Robing Room
Book: "Tom Lake" by Ann Patchett Meet in the Robing Room
All are invited! Invite your neighbour and join us for lunch!
3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
Contact Lianne McOuat or Office Cost $50
Praying with Icons - In the Lounge
3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
Dean Robert Willis (Canterbury) is preaching at the Cathedral of Evensong on March 17 at 4:30pm. Sign up sheet is on the board.
All are invited! Invite your neighbour and join us for lunch!