Ash Wednesday Service (10AM)
Grace Church 19 Parkway Avenue, Markhaam, Ontario, CanadaServices at 10AM and 7PM. Please bring your palm crosses from last year back to church for us to burn.
Services at 10AM and 7PM. Please bring your palm crosses from last year back to church for us to burn.
Services at 10AM and 7PM. Please bring your palm crosses from last year back to church for us to burn.
Book: "Tom Lake" by Ann Patchett Meet in the Robing Room
All are invited! Invite your neighbour and join us for lunch!
3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
All are welcome in the lounge to enjoy an afternoon of knitting.
3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
Contact Lianne McOuat or Office Cost $50
Praying with Icons - In the Lounge
3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
All are welcome in the lounge to enjoy an afternoon of knitting.