3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
Contact Lianne McOuat or Office Cost $50
Praying with Icons - In the Lounge
3 Week lent study on Wednesdays at 2pm and 7pm on February 21, 28 and March 6. We are using Rowan Williams' book "Ponder These Things" available on Amazon (Kindle $9.99).
Dean Robert Willis (Canterbury) is preaching at the Cathedral of Evensong on March 17 at 4:30pm. Sign up sheet is on the board.
All are invited! Invite your neighbour and join us for lunch!
Please start your Spring Clean now, and save us all your best stuff! Drop off for rummage sale items: Thursday April 11 Friday April 12 9am-7pm
Meet in the Robing Room