10:30AM in the Car Park or Upper Hall. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is exercise only and not based on Taoist Tai Chi rules.
10:30AM in the Car Park or Upper Hall. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is exercise only and not based on Taoist Tai Chi rules.
10:30AM in the Car Park or Upper Hall. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It is exercise only and not based on Taoist Tai Chi rules.
All are welcome in the lounge to enjoy an afternoon of knitting.
All are invited! Invite your neighbour and join us for lunch!
Entrance fee is a few cookies/squares (if you are able to). Hot chocolate provided! Bring friends and family!
Special Vestry immediately following service on Sunday January 21st to review motion on CRA auditing.
January 28 is a service to learn about and honour the women of Grace Church